Post by Genetic Mishap on Oct 28, 2005 21:15:33 GMT -5
Since I'm can't register on snopes, I'll start my own little phobia thread here. Let's let it all out, shall we? It'll help me think of ideas to torture you us all cope.
My weird fears, past and present:
1. Not anymore, but one day when I was little, I realized that I was terrified to ride escalators. I had been enjoying them just fine up until then. I think it was because of one of those Dateline specials, where they talked about kids getting caught in them (this was years before I saw Mallrats).
2. Surgery, including on TV. So much can go wrong- they can drop the heart, sew the forceps up inside you, anathesia awareness, Junior Mints, etc. I blame my mom watching ER for this. And...
3. Cartoons that show internal organs. Relating to the surgery thing, somewhat. I link this to Ren & Stimpy, the What-A-Cartoon show and the adult animation spell in the nineties. I have improved- but I still won't watch Ren & Stimpy, or the surgery scene from the South Park movie.
4. Ever since I flipped my golf cart (I probably would have been crushed if I had worn my seatbelt), when I drive it now I'll sometimes have a vision of me sliding uncontrollably, crushing my head and having to see my exposed brains just before I die in the wilderness. Thus, slowing me down. I've even started to dream about it.
5. Fire. This is due to when I caught the carpet on fire when I was ten. Now candles, lighters and the like keep me on edge.
6. TICKS! And other bloodsucking bloodsuckers. Bloodsucking in general. It sucks. Blood. And in general.
Your turn.
Post by DocD83 on Oct 30, 2005 0:53:18 GMT -5
-- Bugs in the house/on me. I hate them. I played EverQuest way longer than I should have just because it gave me a chance to kill hundreds of giant spiders. I love to watch bugs in the grass outside (when I actually venture out into the world of light) though, or on tv.
-- Broken bones. MY broken bones--I'm fine if it's somebody else. I keep having visions about various breaks I could have. I could think these were premonitions, but with the variety of visions I have the only way for there not to be a single right one is to never break anything.
If we're counting childhood, non-reality based phobias:
-- Supernatural things while I sleep. When I was young I had a huge pantheon of horrific beings I had to make up blanket-related defenses for, including a guy in a space suit who flew like superman. Don't ask me why that was scary, it just was. Oddly, I never worried about things under my bed. All my nightmares attacked from above.
I guess that's about it. Most things I should be phobic of just get me angry. In fact, most things get me pretty angry--I need valium.
Post by Al on Oct 30, 2005 14:09:43 GMT -5
The only thing that has been a really consistent phobia for me is birds. They creep the ever-lovin bejeezus out of me, seagulls in particular are filthy little creatures. When I see birds in a parking lot or a flock somewhere around my car, I usually find myself holding my breath and narrowing my field of vision for as long as possible. I'm getting uncomfortable just thinking about this.
My buddy Jarrod also told me in fifth grade that tapioca was made of goat brains. I stopped eating it until probably tenth grade or so when I actually stopped to reevaluate the likelihood of that.
Post by StarOpal on Oct 30, 2005 15:08:59 GMT -5
1. Clowns. My older brother snuck in a copy of 'It' and I found out (we weren't allowed to watch horror movies). I wanted to watch it with him and said I'd tell Mom if he didn't let me. Well after that I HAD to watch it, kid pride and all. I was 6/7. Since then afraid of clowns.
2. I don't know if there's a specific term for this fear, but, not being able to move or see at the same time. I can't move? Fine. I can't see? Whatever. Put them together and I completely freak out. Like being tied up and blindfolded basically would make me lose it. A children's game gone horribly wrong...
3. Needles. The end of The Audition was just skin crawling, ugh. Even movies where people are just getting shots in a hospital I have to cover my eyes. I used to have to be held down by nurses just to get school shots, I'm not that bad anymore... usually.
4. Brains and head trauma. Not really a fear, but it bothers me.
Post by dajaymann on Nov 1, 2005 21:46:54 GMT -5
I have a few...erm...entertainment-based phobias, because I've done so much theater and radio and stuff since I was in my early teens.
To this day, I still have nightmares where I'm on stage and forget lines, miss cues, knock over stage props, or just forget to show up for a performance. At my job at the radio station, I'm totally paranoid of missing breaks or getting dead air. I know that when I go use the bathroom it only takes about 60 seconds (approximately) and I have 7 minutes before my next break, but that doesn't keep me from sprinting back to the studio like a mad man. And that happens, like, 2 or 3 times every single night.
Post by Spiderdancer on Nov 3, 2005 10:28:33 GMT -5
I get uncomfortable at heights or huge open spaces. I'm one of those people Louis L'Amour always sneered at about not being able to handle the Great Plains. I hate Kansas for just that reason (despite how nice the few Kansas persons I've met were).
Post by PoolMan on Nov 3, 2005 12:12:04 GMT -5
The wide open spaces thing is about as close as I get to an irrational fear, and it's not even that I'm afraid so much as constantly distracted. I've grown up between mountains and ocean, so being in the flatlands is just so WEIRD.
Post by Hucklebubba on Nov 4, 2005 1:01:09 GMT -5
I'm just the opposite. I've spent the bulk of my life in flat areas, so even though I've been here for upwards of three years, the Ozarks still make me a little uncomfortable. That may just be the people, though.
Ironically--or perhaps fironically--I've noticed that during visits with my brother in Kansas, I can't help but feel sort of unnerved and. . .small. Apparently I've become somewhat de-used to the plains.
Anyway, as far as phobias go: Needles or anything else that pierces, especially if the heart is involved. You know the part with the syringe toward the end of Universal Soldier? Or the fight between Hook and Rufio in Hook? Bleah. I'm getting all wiggy just thinking about it.
Post by TheLuckyOne on Nov 4, 2005 23:14:39 GMT -5
Yeah, I only have one phobia, and it's snakes. So for the next few months, I'll be merrily avoiding looking at Genetic Mishap's avatar. Occasionally I'll force myself to confront it -- watching that part of Raiders of the Lost Ark, going in the reptile house at the zoo with eyes firmly planted on the ground -- but really, they just suck. They move without legs, and I'm sorry, but that just ain't natural.
Post by duckie on Nov 6, 2005 20:19:35 GMT -5
Wide open spaces don't scare me (I'm in Indiana sooooo much of my life, anyway!)... but it's the mountainous regions, where the road is right on the edge of the cliff, which scare the beejeezus outta me. There have been a number of times when I white-knucked the steering wheel...
And don't get me started on hiking by a cliff... ask Lissa about our trip to Hawaii... I didn't want to be walking along the edge when we went to the blowhole, and I was petrified heading down the sheer cliffs on Molokai.
Post by Head Mutant on Nov 6, 2005 23:09:24 GMT -5
Heh. He said "blowhole".
Post by duckie on Nov 7, 2005 10:57:09 GMT -5
I've got pictures...